Monday, January 26, 2009

I was drugged as a child....

Sitting here this morning somewhat bored, waiting on the weather to break, I got to thinking. With all the media attention of late into the family backgrounds of everybody from Palin to did I come out so relatively unscathed and blessed..... ( Probably cause I never ran for

Yes life hasn't always been easy. I never finished college, did my share of partying and experimenting. I have survived the divorce of parents, an adoption, and the constant upheavel of moving that comes with being a member of a military family. But somehow I have managed to be blessed with 2 wonderful daughters, 2 beautiful grand-daughters and another grand-baby on the way. I have a great circle of friends, a roof over my head, a job, and my health. ( Not to mention a full head of hair....grey as it might   

I still worry about the challenges my daughters and grand-daughters must face in years to come, from global warming to the energy shortages.  I feel sorry for them in the fact that so many of life hardships and tragic events are bombarding us everyday by the media and think back about simpler times seem far removed. 

So how did I survive growing up to be respectfull of others and thankful for who and what I am? Maybe the answer lies in the article below that I ran across and in the fact THAT I WAS DRUGGED AS A CHILD..................




For what ever reason things have worked out at this point in my life I am truely thankful and can only hope that I can honestly say at the end of my time ...................................


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